Sunday, November 28, 2010

If You Can't Take the Heat Stay Out of the Kitchen'09-game-090610

The most powerful statement made by this article is the statement that claims Michelle Munoz told security about fans that were being a problem to her, and her enjoyment of the game that she was attending. She was ignored, as was her request for help, and subsequently she was assaulted and received possible permanent back injuries. I believe it would be impossible for someone to read this story and not come away with the impression that if one cannot handle the profanity, the heckling, or the violence exuded by NFL fans, then one does not belong there and should not buy a ticket to a game, ever. Since there is no mentioning of the fans who assaulted Michelle Munoz, one is left to assume that they were not charged with assault, and probably were not even ejected from the stadium, further proving that violence is acceptable and is part of the norm. Though all stadiums have strict rules regarding fan violence and behavior it is abundantly clear that those rules and the security that enforces them are for show only, and can be disregarded at any time by fans. NFL fans are not out of control, they are in control.

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