Sunday, November 28, 2010

Classic Mob Mentality

It takes quite a bit of time to make a snowball and to execute the type of throws these fans are deploying upon helpless visiting fans. Therefore, it is clear that there are several dozen fans engaging in this barbaric behavior that evidently is acceptable by the stadium and the other fans. All stadiums allow fans of other teams to purchase tickets and attend any game they please, whether they are a fan of that team or not. It seems however that the fans of the home teams do not understand this, or just do not care about the rights of others. Not only are the number of snowballs being thrown and the number of fans throwing them appalling, but the fact that security escorts the visiting team’s fans out because they are the issue is both shocking and revealing. Stadium security decides that the innocent fans being pelted with snowballs for no other reason than cheering against the home team are the ones who should be escorted out reveals that not only is the behavior of the mob acceptable, it is defendable as well. That sends a loud message to all fans that they can harass and leash out on visiting fans as much as they want, and the stadium security will have their backs on it. It seems that stadiums have an unspoken rule, the home team fans get a carte blanche and can do whatever they want, that is the norm and is to be expected and applauded.  It is obvious that there are two games being played on game day, the one on the field, and the one in the stands. The referees monitor the game, the stadium security monitors the stands, and may the best team win.

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