This video from NFL Films was aired on the NFL Network as a show rating the top ten follies of the NFL. The fans were ranked #1 by sports writers and analysists. The commentary is very powerful on this video because they claim that NFL fans are ridiculous and many need to be analyzed by a psychologist. Several of the outfits fans wore in this program were very violent, and the fans seem to take on this violent persona. Note the one Raiders fan who yells at the camera that “it’s about pain”, then the other Raiders fan who has a doll’s head that represents a decapitated Miami Dolphin’s player’s head. The fans who dress in these violent costumes are transformed into the character they are dressed as and take on a violent mentality and personality. Even one commentator states that “Raiders fans will stab your baby” which clearly labels the entire Raider fan basis as extremely violent and out of control. These fans really live two different lives, their normal life, and their NFL fan life. One commentator recalls his experience with a Raiders fan who was dressed in a costume complete with a giant skull mask, when the commentator asked the fan what his job was he replied “I’m a second grade teacher”. I highly doubt he dresses and behaves like that around his second grade students. Therefore, to be an NFL fan is to live a double life. Another interesting part of the program was the group of fans holding the sign that read “look at the idiot” which can only mean that they realize that they as fans, and their behaviors, are unintelligent. One thing that is worth observing and analyzing is the one fan that brings his body paint into the stadium with him, and you see him giving himself a touch up. I would think that one coat would be enough, and if it started to wear off that that would be a good thing. Not for this fan though, he wants to make sure his body paint is perfect all the time, that’s what it takes to be a true fan. These fans get other fans involved in their behaviors as well. Note the Seattle Seahawks fan that repeatedly bangs on the wall, no one looks at him as if he is deranged or out of control, in fact they begin to cheer louder the longer he continues to bang on the wall. These are the fans of the NFL, they are viewed on game days as normal, they are applauded and looked up to, and they are not out of control. When the commentator talks about the fans in the beginning of this program and asks repeatedly “what is wrong with you”, I’m sure all NFL fans would say in reply “nothing, this is what it takes to be a true fan”. The fans of the NFL seem proud to be the #1 folly of the NFL.
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