The movie is about the director following several fans who have been inducted into the NFL Hall of Fame, and what life is like in their shoes. The most powerful part of this movie trailer is when the Giants fan claims he wears Giants apparel every day and the director stamps the word “excessive” over his picture. Then again when the Tampa Bay Buccaneers fan claims that anything he loses while driving and tailgating he can instantly replace it and the director stamps the word “irrational” over his picture. The director uses those words to describe those fans’ behavior and their fanatical ways as excessive and irrational. Another powerful point is when the Green Bay Packers fan states that if he were to die tomorrow he would die happy and proud of his life. It is amazing to think that so many fans live for being an NFL fan, and everything else is obsolete. Even the Minnesota Vikings fan claims that this is a way of life for him, that some people eat breakfast in the morning while he decides to paint his face and color his hair. The director, as I am sure many others, feel that these fans are excessive and irrational, but if you watch the trailer carefully, you will notice when they are at tailgates or outside the stadium that other fans cheer them on. They are icons to other fans, and are not deemed excessive or out of control. One thing that is noticeable is that these fans definitely live two different lives. Note how they act and are dressed when they are being interviewed outside the football setting. They are dressed normal, no face paint or anything, and they are talking softly and appear to be acting rational. The second they get into whatever outfit or face paint they plan on, there is a very noticeable change in their behavior. The fanatical fans when around the football scene and other fans start shouting, waving their arms around, and act completely different than they were during the candid interviews. Another interesting part of this trailer is that these fans are inducted into the NFL Hall of Fame. I wonder what the criteria is for a fan to be inducted into the Hall of Fame. Obviously one can generate an idea of what it takes after watching the trailer, and it seems to be inducted, you have to be excessive, irrational, and out of control.
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