This video is to represent the type of fans and fan behavior that the commissioner of the NFL expects from all fans during all games. I find it ironic that Roger Goodell states that he wants fans to still enjoy alcohol and shouting but wants the fans to be responsible and act “civilized”. Since when does being civilized involve getting drunk and yelling? Notice as he is giving this part of his statement the video shows people drinking, yelling, and dressed up in ridiculous costumes and face paint. I guess being a civilized and responsible NFL fan still involves being rowdy, dressing up in costumes, and drinking alcohol. I found it particularly interesting when Roger Goodell says that he wants the fans to not be disruptive of other fans, and not ruin their good time. Right as he says this the video shows a large male painted in red with some kind of ball in his mouth. If I was next to this fan I know that I would not have a good time because he and his outfit would be very disruptive to me and he would be my focus, not the game. It is interesting that the video shows people that look responsible for only a fraction of the time; the rest of the video is filled with people who look as the ones Roger Goodell is addressing, and demanding they change their behavior. The most contradictory image in the video to Roger Goodell’s speech is the one where fans are obviously intoxicated and are shaking a truck in the parking lot while another intoxicated man dances on the roof waiving a flag. If the video is to be a visual representation of Roger Goodell’s address to the fans, then it is clear that a civilized NFL fan is one who enjoys alcohol, yelling, getting dressed up in costume, applying face paint, tipping over trucks in the parking lot, shaking a towel around in the air, putting a large ball in their mouth, makes barking noises to cameras. If this truly is a civilized NFL fan, then nothing needs to be changed and this video is unnecessary, because the NFL fans are already what the NFL wants.
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